Posted in colorwork, knitting

What I’m Knitting Now

I can’t describe this post as a cast-on, because I started this project immediately after I had cast off and kitchener stitched my last Christmas gift item.

My inspiration for this project is a slipped stitch pattern used in a shawl design.

The two yarns I chose are Rowan Felted Tweed (purple) and Tosca Light by Lang (multicolor.)

The Rowan was acquired in Madison at Sunset Yarns, although it is readily available from many on-line sources. The Tosca Light? Honestly, I can’t remember, but it was probably found at a Wisconsin yarn store. It is no longer available (according to Ravelry, the yarn is “dyed and gone.”) I’m in love with the long color changes that unfold as I knit.

The thing is, I don’t want to knit another shawl. There is simply no more room in my “shawl drawer” for another one, no matter how beautiful. Instead, I plan to knit a sort of serape/poncho kind of thing based on this design from Cheryl Oberle.

This jacket is knit in two matching rectangles that will be seamed together at the center back. I simply replaced the arrowhead lace section with the slipped slip pattern from the Cozzy shawl. Next I filled in the rows between pattern sections with alternating stripes of the multi and purple yarns.

Oh, and I threw in a few rows of eyelet lace for good measure.

It’s all going pretty well so far, as you can see in the first photo. The tricky part will come next, as I finish up the first half and start knitting the sleeve down.

I’ll have an update in a few weeks. Until then, happy knitting!

Posted in knitting

Cast on Monday – Last week of the month

Having finished a pair of socks, I am beginning another knitted accessory – a cowl. I have been wanting to make one for myself in this teal color.

The yarn is a mysterious orphan ball given to me by my friend Kathy, who is in the middle of a stash-clearing phase. There’s no label, so I am guessing about the fiber. It is very soft, with a prominent halo, suggestive of alpaca. If you look closely, you will detect a bit of gold glimmer. The total weight is 80 grams, and based on its thickness I am guessing there are about 250 yards of yarn here.

I started off making this lovely cable and lace pattern, from my book “60 Quick Luxury Knits.” But the yarn revealed a structure that did not sit well with complex stitchery – it has a thick and thin composition and a loose twist which suggests to me that it might be hand spun. I started over. After six rows of garter I worked a combination of yarn overs and knit togethers to create the undulation you see.

What I do next is still unclear. The only thing I know is that it must narrow as it rises.

This knitter is open for suggestions.