Posted in quilting

SAHRR Quilt Round 1 Challenge

I was so glad that Anja chose the prompt of Curves for the first round of this year’s Round Robin quilt along. In working with the vintage weavings chosen for my center block, I had observed that the maker had used lots of curved lines in her color patterns. Some were vine-like, some looked like hairpins and some are just little wriggles. I was keen to echo these curves in the quilt as I built it.

To start my round, I chose four fabrics with colors and patterns that reinforce the theme of the four elements. I am using the linen-colored background fabric to make the other side of the curve. Next I made a little template for the corner blocks. These will have a quarter circle in the inside corners using the background fabric. Here are my pieces, cut and ready to be sewn.

First I joined strips of two different colors for each side of the block. Then I cut strips in the background fabric to match the length of the block sides

After sewing together the corner blocks, it was time to make my curves. With the front of fabric facing me, I overlapped the two strips and just sliced a curve through the center of the strips with my rotary cutter.

Here is the first side sewn together and ready to attach to the center block

And here it is, sewn and pressed.

Side two and one corner block are added.

Working carefully, matching up edges as well as I could, I finished this round in about three hours. Here is my block, pressed and squared up.

I like the way the dark colors draw the eye to the three woven pieces,
which are outlined in the background color.

It now measures 18- and 1/2-inches square and is ready for the next round. I had no trouble with the woven samples shifting or bunching. I think my tactic of backing the pieces with muslin did the trick.

If you would like to see how other participants are making their curves, check out the linky-party, below.

To learn more about the Stay At Home Round Robin event, visit Quilting Gail’s blog.


One of six children, I was raised by a busy mom, who instilled in me a love of fabric. Though I learned to sew and knit at a young age, it was the arrival of my first grandchild that pushed me into action. A long-time knitter, I am now ready to explore all things fiber.

15 thoughts on “SAHRR Quilt Round 1 Challenge

  1. Hi Laura! What a fabulous idea – incorporating the curvy borders with DP blocks in the corners to keep the curve going. It looks great! I can’t wait to see where you take the diamond prompt. {{Hugs}} a bunch. ~smile~ Roseanne

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