Posted in painting

More Fun with Printmaking

Today I got out my lino-cutting tool to make another stamp based on a sketch. Last week I drew this monarch butterfly, referencing a free-use photograph from UnSplash.

Using tracing paper I transferred the drawing to a softcarve 4 x 6 block. It took me about an hour to carve out the image.

I did a few test prints and touched up the lines a bit. Here is the ink that I chose.

I find the types of stamping ink very confusing. Also, I paid $5 for this pad and there is hardly any ink in it. Eventually I got at least one decent print on a sheet of Canson Smooth Bristol paper.

While there are a few too many “echo lines” for my taste, I decided to carry on. Next came color. I was keen to see how easily paint would go over the permanent ink. I wasn’t terribly concerned that the black would be covered up, since watercolor paint is transparent.

I finished off by adding a little Micron pen – doing some stippling in black and drawing lines in yellow and orange to represent some of the details that I observed in the reference photograph.

I think this came out great. I will probably make several of these prints to use as greeting cards.

If any of you crafters out there in the blog-sphere have a recommendation for printing inks, please share.


One of six children, I was raised by a busy mom, who instilled in me a love of fabric. Though I learned to sew and knit at a young age, it was the arrival of my first grandchild that pushed me into action. A long-time knitter, I am now ready to explore all things fiber.

8 thoughts on “More Fun with Printmaking

      1. I had a hard time inking the handmade stamp I made too. I had better luck with acrylic paint than I did with ink pads. A brayer helped but I think I had the most success dipping my stamp into the paint that I put on a flat surface such as a paper plate.

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