Posted in quilting

SAHRR #5 – The Stars Above Us

After putting in a few hours of sewing yesterday and today, I find that I have something to show for this round after all. First of all, here is my assortment of wonky stars.

There are two sets of four – the smallest will finish out at 3 inches, the larger at about 4 1/2. While it took some patience to stitch on the tiny scraps of star points, I found myself enjoying the process. And in the end, they are so darned cute! I also made them fiery stars, in hot shades of yellow, orange and red. They jump right out from the pale blue background.

As I stitched along, though, I found my stars getting less and less wonky!

First Star
Last star

The blue border will be six inches wide. This will give the eye a good break from the dark and busy center of the quilt while allowing the stars to shimmer. Here are the assembled borders laid in place.

This project is so big, it is almost impossible to take a decent picture.

As you can see, the border is not attached yet. I am in the process of quilting the center body. My plan is to make separate quilt sandwiches for each border, attach them and then finish up the quilting by working around the edges. Or perhaps I will quilt them before sewing them on. Anyone have a recommendation for me on how best to manage this step?

If you would like to see the work of other quilters doing this challenge, follow these links:


One of six children, I was raised by a busy mom, who instilled in me a love of fabric. Though I learned to sew and knit at a young age, it was the arrival of my first grandchild that pushed me into action. A long-time knitter, I am now ready to explore all things fiber.

9 thoughts on “SAHRR #5 – The Stars Above Us

  1. Beautiful. Nice wonky stars. I found the checkerboard row busy, also. It needed a place for the eye to rest. When the quilt gets too big for a picture, place it on the floor, climb a stepladder and take the picture from above. It took me years to figure that out.

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  2. Hi Laura! Fabulous job on your wonky star blocks!! I have a hard time being wonky – I have to really concentrate on it and then it still kind of . . . is too correct. I can see you becoming less and less wonky the more stars you made. HAHA! That’s okay – you gave it your best wonky try. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

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